Success in the World of Warcraft game is easier when you use Zygor Guides. For those who want to level up quicker and reach new objects faster, these software guides are the way to go.
Success in the World of Warcraft game is easier when you use Zygor Guides. For those who want to level up quicker and reach new objects faster, these software guides are the way to go.
the Guide Contains
Zygor guides are an in-the-game guide. An arrow will show you will
show you where to move your character and several guides are

Guide Viewer:
- Gives advice on accepting quests
- Helps complete objectives
- Explains when to use items
- Includes 3D models
Leveling guide:
- Shows you the best path for moving through levels 1-90 quickly
- Tracks the progress you make
- Knows when you complete goals
- Automates tasks like submitting quests
- Shows you the quickest way to your objective
- Will consider modes of transportation, including your hearthstone and spells
- Results will be shown using the arrow on your screen
Talent Advisor:
- Explains what class specialization should be chosen
- Tells you what talents to purchase with your points
- Shares information about your talents
Quest Reward Advisor:
- Shows you the best gear for your character
- Highlights the highest valued item
- Finds upgrades for your gear and will inform you they are available
the Loremaster achievement is your goal, these guides will help you
level up through level 90 and help you reach your dream. Reaching
Loremaster can be difficult without the help of our special guides.
easy to use Zygor Client will allow you to quickly and simply install
all of our guides. This will also update your guides as needed and is
as easy to use as your World of Warcraft client software. Although
installation problems are rare, if you do encounter an issue, we have
technical support available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Our
support features community forums, remote assistance and a help desk.
We comply with Blizzard’s Terms of Service and guarantee using our
software will not get you banned from your game.
you use Zygor Guides, you will be able to view our community forums.
Several options are available to help you get even more from our
product. You can visit our frequently asked questions sight before
you visit the forums to see if the question you have is already
answered. Part of our forum includes an announcement area where our
staff will let you know about upcoming products or any changes we
have made. There is also a general discussion guide about our
products so you can talk to people who are already using the guides.
of our guides has a forum set up just for it so you can go directly
to the area you have questions about. Discussing your game with other
players makes for an even more enjoyable time.
Guides can completely change the way you play World of Warcraft.
Struggle less and have more fun with our easy to use guides.
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